Saturday, September 22, 2012


Today is the first day of Autumn. Somehow the day the seasons change seems to slip by me every time. I always plan on doing something symbolic at the moment of the equinox or spending my day intentionally, but then life happens and it's 1:00 PM and the equinox was 3 hours ago.
Nevertheless, I've made today worthy of the first day of fall. I woke up and had a nice little breakfast with Adam and then started cooking right away. I made tourlou (a middle eastern style ratatouille), baba ganoush and acorn squash lasagna with fresh sage and tofu ricotta. While I cooked, I cleaned, and my regular weekend chores are off to a good start. 
I'm nursing a headache today, unsure of its origin. Either it is a small hangover from the cocktails I had last night at a coworker's birthday celebration, or it is a caffeine headache. Whatever it is, I'm using mint tea and ibuprofen to stave it off. Later today I'll skype with my sister and hopefully get a bunch of knitting done. Then around dinner time we're taking K and N for the night, the first time babysitting all night at our house. I'm looking forward to it, but I know it will probably be quite an ordeal. As long as my headache goes away, I'll be ready for anything. 
So here's to the turning of the seasons, the start of a new stage of slowing down, turning inward, and being present, if only for a few moments every day. 

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