Friday, January 15, 2010

song playlist for vinyasa flow

This afternoon I worked on a playlist for a power yoga vinyasa flow. It's about 60 min long, and since I don't like to listen to anything in savasana, this could work for a 1 hour session with 10 minutes of meditation.

You can't imagine how hard it is for me to do a whole flow series at home, even when I'm listening to a teacher on a podcast, dvd, etc. But this actually kept me focused for the whole hour, with the exception of shooing Jilly out of my way multiple times (I need to videotape her doing yoga with me...she actually stretches! LOL) I've made some changes based on how the songs felt while I was practicing, but overall I think it has a good pace.

So anyway, here's a simple playlist that is completely tailored to my music tastes. Which, unfortunately, means that this might not be as upbeat as you'd like it to be. I can listen to pretty emo things, but I tried to keep a more positive yogi attitude--and if not, it's because I know there are times when you're working through something in your head and some of these songs can hit you like a bag of bricks.

The first song is meant only for child's pose, but towards the end you can move into down dog and settle into that pose. You might even take your first uttanasa. The next song is for the first few sets of Surya Namaskar A. These can be taken slow, and held for some time. The third song it to let go and power through Surya Namaskars A and B. Continue them through the 4th and 5th, working up heat and sweat. If you like, add a twisted prayer, reverse warrior, crescent, whatever you like to really fly through this series.

In the 6th and 7th songs, spend some time in warrior poses, uttihita trikonasana, parivrtta trikonasana, uttihita parvsakonasana, etc. In the 8th song, try some standing poses like vrksasana or a supported backbend. In the 9th song, do a slow vinyasa, stopping in uttanasana to do gorilla pose (standing on your hands with palms facing up) or another deep stretch. I like to clasp my hands over my head for a nice heart opener. After your vinyasa, step your feet through your hands and do a paschimottanasana and perhaps a set of wheel. The 10th song is specifically for eka pada rajakapotasana (pigeon). After the last "I need you so much closer..." slowly switch legs, maybe doing a little downdog in between. On the last song, lie in supta bada konasana to let out tension from pigeon, and stretch out your back with some gentle twists. Settle into savasana, and meditate as long as you like!

1. You Had Time - Ani Difranco (5:49)
2. Chicago - Sufjan Stevens (6:04)
3. Float On - Modest Mouse (3:28)
4. Your Heart - Death Cab for Cutie (3:39)
5. Blacking Out the Friction - Death Cab (3:27)
6. Skinny Love - Bon Iver (3:59)
7. Ain't No Reason - Brett Dennen (3:42)
8. White Daisy Passing - Rocky Votolato (3:11)
9. Hide and Seek - Imogen Heap (4:29)
10. Transatlanticism - Death Cab (7:55)
11. Beautiful - India.Arie (4:06)

Feel free to take this and change it however you like. I'm working on another list, but I haven't tried it out yet. Namaste.

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