Monday, February 16, 2009


this weekend, i finally felt that i have friends here in rochester.

on thursday night, betsy, greta and i went to a valentine's party at one of rochester's living co-ops. we didn't know many people, but we found a few people we had seen around, and had a nice time. then we went to the bug jar and saw melissa from church, tim, and greta's friend pete. the dream team (betsy, me, greta, jenna and jessica) was back together again, and it was so much fun. we got our dance on, majorly. then on friday i went to member development day for americorps and had fun with everyone there, and got to talk with ceridwen a bit. she's awesome. friday night was game night at jenna's and we had a rocking good time. we played "a thousand white cards" and it was so hilarious. definitely a good game for our crowd. i love them the most because they are so creative, funny and comfortable in their own skin. they are my people :) afterwards betsy and i went to sean's for the 90s party and we also had a great time there. then saturday i went out late with starbucks people and we had a ridiculous time. it started with darts at the keg (embarrassing, i know) and ended drinking coffee at 3am at jason's, hanging out and playing guitar. sunday afternoon i went with betsy and charlie to the 20s/30s group outing to the bagel bin with people from my church, and had a great conversation with some people i didn't know, and then got to talk to adam, the amazing (and apparently famous) vegan animal rights activist who just screened a movie he directed in hollywood. it's about the egg and chicken industry, and it looks really incredible. i can't wait to see the screening here in rochester. the best thing is that he's coming over for dinner next sunday! i'm so excited to get a chance to talk to him more. we're going to have a vegan fondu extravaganza....sweet!!

finally, last night i went out with matt, tucker and andy and we had a great time playing darts. now granted, i went out thursday thru sunday nights straight, and that probably was not the best idea, but it was fun and made me feel so much better about finding a place among these various rochester crowds. i feel comfortable with these people, and feel affection and companionship with quite a few of them. it helps to have my "posse", charlie and betsy to discover these wonderful people. i could not have done it without them.

this is a random post, but i just had to say that i finally feel at home here (it only took four months...) and that i'm looking forward to better weather to enjoy with my friends.

time to read!

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