i never realized how much i love the phrase "spur of the moment." or rather, i never noticed that there ever was anything to love about it. but what is the "spur" of a moment? according to the dictionary online, a spur could be something that serves as a "goad" or "incentive." that's the closest definition i could find. so if i bought something spur of the moment, what would that mean? that i justified it based on its current incentives, what i thought valuable about it in the present moment? maybe.
or, you could picture turning on your spurs, or spurring your horse faster. the "spur of the moment."
i'm starting to kill the phrase in my head (you know how they cease to have the same connections once you say it over and over or ponder the meaning too long? yeah, i'm getting there...) but i'll end on one last intuition. because that's how i understand words...i intuate (i made that up) their meaning based on their context.
i thought that spur might mean "cusp," like the edge of a moment. maybe, there was a split second bunched up in the multitude of inter-moment spaces in which you decided you were going to do something. you were standing on a precipice, and, spur of the moment, you decided to go for it.
whew. pretty powerful.
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